New page about the Conversations In Colour show in 2006

The Conversations in Colour show was at the WKP Kennedy Gallery In North Bay Ontario from September 2nd to 30th 2006

In the early 2000s Eleanor had been showing in a number of exhibitions around North Bay. She was asked to present a show at the WKP Kennedy Gallery in North Bay in 2006. It was to be a joint show with younger North Bay abstract artist Sara McIntosh (now Sara Robichaud)* showing two generations of abstract art.

The name was Conversations In Colour. What started out as a simple joint show with the two artists work showing side by side became a year long “conversation” with visits to each others studios and some painting done together. Each learning and exploring together.

See the show catalogue, some photos from the show and two videos one of the artists working together and another of the show opening and TV news clip.

Recently added two videos of Eleanor’s slideshow/talks from 2004 and 2005

Around the time that Eleanor began exhibiting again in 2004 she was asked present a slideshow and talk about her work. Out of this came the two talks presented here the first was in October 2004 at Renee’s Cafe in South River, where she was showing at the time. The second was in May 2005 at the WKP Kennedy Gallery in North Bay where she was in the Art in Public Places show and later on had the Conversations In Colour show with Sara McIntosh in 2006

The talks follow the same format and subjects but include many different stories and ideas. 

*just a note on the video quality. I (Paul) had just recently bought the video camera and was learning so the filming is not great, also some of the slides used in the talk where old and damaged and some where reversed.

Renee’s Cafe:

WKP Kennedy: